For the sake of not having boring titles like.. Change. Or Hope, you insert a title of your own ;)
We were chatting about change last night. About how very dear people are leaving (or are thinking of leaving). Some of which I haven't heard about. Karen's going to Port Lincoln, Jez to Perth, Yih Ling with thoughts of Brisbane as the next stop.. and Sam, I hear he's got thoughts to change states too.
And for the bleak moment in life, we looked sullenly at each other. That reality of how things never stay the same pinched us a little.
Today I celebrate change. I anticipate change. And if change doesn't happen, it'd be disastrous.
As much as I resist change - knowing that people don't stay the same, friendships don't remain.. even favourite places cannot withstand the forces of change.. I'm excited when I think about what change means and what it has brought us thus far.
Yeah, change means that today, we can't walk out alone on our own without fearing rapists and snatch thiefs.
Change means that we're studying in Bahasa Melayu today, rather than the highly sung about English language in schools.
Change means that we have to spend RM 4.00 on a bowl of noodles now, instead of RM 0.10 in our grandparents' time.
Change means you actually need at the very least, a Bachelors degree before you can land yourself a job.
Change brings people to say.. "Gone, were the good ol' days".
But change also means that we have abolished slavery.
Change also means that we've got better technology to tackle diseases.
Change also means that more and more people are able to cross borders to learn from one another.
Chamge also means that I don't have to marry a man I have never met before! WOOHOO! :)
And more importantly, change and the eventuality of change means we do not have to accept the injustice and oppression that is happening all around us.
Change being the only constant thing in this world means that there is a current already running through the existing things of life.. and our role within change? Is to steer it in the right direction.
Change means we are allowed to imagine equality - without fearing we'd be labeled idealistic.
Change means we are allowed to imagine justice dancing in our streets.
Change means we are allowed to imagine a better future.
Change means we are allowed to hope..
.. and hopefully, change will bring us to say.. "Gone, are the days when injustice and oppression ruled".
Because situations tomorrow will be different from today's. Because if change could take a turn for the worse, it can definitely take a change for the better.
Change has, is, and will take place. It's now a matter of us steering it in the right direction.
I want to ride on that wing of change, and hope to see it turn things around for the better.
Till tomorrow, when change happens.
16 years ago
change is good!! but IM STILL GONNA MISS YOU HEAPS!!!!!!
i firmly believe that the God that makes change possible has made that change within you that would bring 'bout much (positive and impactful) change in Malaysia, now that He has brought you back for 'tis very reason. Yes, change is possible - (e'en) 'ere in our land (karna tanah tumpahnya darahNya).
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